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At this time we are experiencing issues with the Digital Signage submission form.  This may impact some submissions and approvals. 

If you need assistance or have an urgent request, please reach out to us directly at

Submit content for Residence Halls or the Gatton Student Center


  • Meet the Wildly Possible Brand Guidelines, available for review here.
  • If submitting your own signage, must be high-res and 1920X1080 pixels
  • Submitted by a UK department, college, center, registered student organization or other UK group
  • Be university specific
  • Be in direct interest of students

Appropriate content for signage

Examples of appropriate content for the signs includes (but is not limited to):

  • Information about campus services and resources
  • Information about upcoming deadlines that apply to a majority of students
  • Announcements for upcoming campus events and activities that are open to most members of the campus community

Content that is not allowed

Examples of inappropriate content for the signs includes (but is not limited to):

  • Red text should not be featured.
  • Political signs or information, including images promoting campus referendums or candidates for student government
  • Commercial solicitation or solicitation of donations
  • Content that is harassing, stalking, threatening or attacking others
  • Content that includes sexual or vulgar themes 

  • Content that is defamatory, obscene, illustrations of weapons  or depict violence
  • Content that is hateful in language or imagery targeting race/ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, nationality or political beliefs
  • Content that is fraudulent or unlawful
  • Content that violates any intellectual property rights

Please note:

Marketing will make every effort to fulfill requests but provides no guarantee that digital materials submitted will be posted depending on date of submission, meeting requirements above, etc.

Please submit your signage at least 10 days before your requested posting date. 

Gatton Student Center

Submit Content

Residence Halls

Submit Content